Bath and North East Somerset Libraries

Young Adult Space

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Silverfin by Charlie Higson

Silverfin book cover

Our Rating:

Four stars

Library Formats:

Book, eBook

Age Group:

Young Adult


Adventure, Thriller

A good book for any reluctant teenager who wants to read a story that is not about magic and wizards!

The author has created a series of stories about the young James Bond. Silverfin is the first of the series and introduces the young James Bond – it begins with James starting at Eton and of course with any James Bond adventure he meets his first enemy and starts breaking the rules.

However soon he finds himself on the shores of Loch Silverfin and something deadly is definitively can be found in its waters. James of course is itching to find out and makes a discovery that threatens to unleash a new breed of warfare.

This book is definitively for young adults aged between 13-15 years because of some of the content but it is a great read – full of adventure and fast paced action.

Review by Keynsham Library Staff